Town of Osler Council

The following 2 documents are publications provided to municipalities by the Province of Saskatchewan (Ministry of Government Relations). The purpose is to provide information to citizens with respect to the issues that may be resolved at the local level.
Ever considered running for council? View the Council Requirements brochure. 

Would you like to invite the mayor to an event or request a greeting at a special birthday or anniversary? Download the Request the Mayor form.

Visit the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth, for more information on a Regional Plan for Growth that includes Osler and area.


2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month (most months) at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, 228 Willow Drive.  
Meetings are open to the public, however, if you wish to speak about an item, you must call at least 3 (working) days prior to the meeting in order to be added to the Agenda as a Delegation.

Town of Osler Council